The 60th Anniversary of Beauty Parlor

– 북아현동 배화 미장원을 찾아서 – Right next to the front gate of Chugye University for the Arts located in Bugahyeon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, ‘Baewha Meejang-won’ of some fading Beauty Parlor signboard comes into sight. On 29 November. 2016, I met the Korea’s Oldest Active Hairdresser and the Owner of  Baewha Meejang-won, Ms. Lee In-sil (Female ‧ […]
– 북아현동 배화 미장원을 찾아서 –
Korea’s oldest active hairdresser, Ms. Lee In-Sil(Female·80) is talking, trimming with nimble fingers, to her customers to be a hairdresser even in another life.

Right next to the front gate of Chugye University for the Arts located in Bugahyeon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, ‘Baewha Meejang-won’ of some fading Beauty Parlor signboard comes into sight.

On 29 November. 2016, I met the Korea’s Oldest Active Hairdresser and the Owner of  Baewha Meejang-won, Ms. Lee In-sil (Female ‧ 80) who has regarded the hairdresser as a vocation having only stuck with one thing for more than half a century.

When I said I came here through word of mouth, “is there anything to cover me?” The old owner of this Beauty Parlor was ashamed that, reading the article about me, people would pull on my leg that I was in my dotage. Owing to the waiting perm costumers, I couldn’t keep talking with her any longer.

The surface of a wall in this Baewha Meejang-won is filled with the various Licenses involved in the owner’s work.

Looking around, there are filled with ‘the License for the Seoul Beautician ‘the License for the Seoul Beautician’ the Award Certificate of the Beautician Association’, ‘the Photographs with the Beautician’s Central Chairman’, ‘the Certificates of Seodaemun-gu Beauty Association’, ‘the Certificate for Course of Tokyo’s Synthesized Beauty School’ and the likes on the wall.

– How long have you been hairdresser?
“Well, soon after receiving the Beautician’s License before age 20, I’ve been working this for almost sixty years.”

– You mean, here in one place, you have been running this beauty parlor nearby Ewha Womans University, right?
“No, the area was tied with Urban Redevelopment Project and I had no choice but come into this place.”

– According to your Beautician License, you were born in 1937, you’re 80 years old this year, right?
“It is what it was already. But I am satisfied with what I’ve been worked without any indisposition until now.”

Having a talk with her customer, this old owner is doing the woman’s perm hair skillfully.

Because I work alone, even the guests who get a perm were providing a helping hand so, doing the cleaning, putting the towels from the washing machine on the clothes hoist and folding dry towels up neatly. Again, looking at her work skill, it seemed like watching a glittering trick show for her amazing hand work at handling such haircuts and perm clips.

– How can you manage this Beauty Parlor at these outstanding prices?
“After my husband died, I decided to quit my job. But my regular customers for decades knocked repeatedly on the door to give them a perm ‘once more’, ‘just once again’. So I complied with their request at actual cost. It was the start of the ‘Beauty Parlor of Actual Expense’ helping each other without employees.”

– Did you receive Award Certificate from the beautician Central Association as the Korea’s oldest hairdresser? “Yes, in those days, all of the academics who went to a hairdressing school together had already quit this job. When a famous international beautician in the United States, Ms. Kim Kyeong-ae has visited Korea in the past, I sometimes saw her here in this Beautician Central Association. But I didn’t see her recently.”

– What made you decide to be a hairdresser?
“As the eldest of six siblings, I was born in Girim-ni, South Pyongan Province. It was a great blessing to attend to a hairdressing school in order to do for a living. But because I started off not as a beautician apprentice, but just as a beautician. I’ve got to learn new techniques in my spare time.”

– How many descendants do you have?
“I had two daughters and one son. The first and second children are daughters and the youngest son. They were married and had only sons respectively. And I have five grandsons. My first grand son is studying in the United States, the other one joins the military and serves on the front lines. The youngest one is a first year student as a scholarship student of Hanyang University.”

This Beauty Parlor is the same place as Senior Citizen Center of native-born residents, Bugahyeon-dong. Because of the long standing relationship with members of the ◯◯ church members, they brought the agricultural and marine products and foodstuffs at the lower prices and the customers who came there do the rest.

With the beans a female customer is looking for did not arrived yet, she said to the owner of this Beauty Parlor that she would leave the money here. At that word, this owner did not accept the money, but instead, made sure to do the purchase order and to come back a few days later.

Silvernetnews Reporter Park Yoon Ja
Silvernetnews Reporter Joo Hyun Gil

개업 60주년 맞은 미장원
– 북아현동 배화 미장원을 찾아서 –

서대문구 북아현동에 위치한 추계예술대학교 정문 왼쪽에 ‘배화 미장원’이라고 쓴 약간 퇴색한 간판이 눈에 들어온다. 11월 29일 반세기 넘는 세월 동안, 미용직을 천직으로 살아온 국내 최고령 미용사, 이인실(80‧여 ) ‘배화 미장원’ 원장을 만났다.

소문을 듣고 찾아왔다고 하자, “나를 취재할 게 뭐 있나요? 기사가 나가면 주위에서 보고 날 노망났다 할 텐데 이걸 어쩌나?” 하면서 쑥스러워했다. 파마하려는 손님이 대기 중이라 계속 대담을 할 수 없었다. 주변을 둘러보니, ‘서울시 미용사 면허증’, ‘미용사 중앙회의 표창장’,‘미용사 중앙회장과의 사진’, ‘서대문구 미용협회 인증서’‘도쿄 종합 미용전문학교 수강 인정서’등이 벽면에 가득했다.

– 미용 일을 하신 지 얼마나 되셨나요?
“글쎄 20세 이전에 미용사 면허증 따고 쭉 했으니 거의 60년은 했나 봐요.”

– 여기에서요? 아니면 이화여대 근처에서만 그렇게 오래 하셨다는 말씀이신가요?
“아뇨, 그 지역이 재개발사업으로 묶이는 바람에 이곳으로 옮겨오게 되었어요.”

– 면허증에 1937년생으로 되어 있는데 그럼 팔순이시네요?
“네, 벌써 그렇게 됐군요. 그래도 몸 불편한 데 없이 일 할 수 있으니 고맙지 뭐예요.”

원장 혼자서 일하다 보니 파마하러 온 손님이 청소도하고, 세탁기에서 나온 타월을 빨래걸이에 널기도 하고, 마른 수건은 접어주면서 일손을 돕는다. 일솜씨를 눈여겨보니 헤어 커트와 파마머리 감는 손놀림이, 번쩍이며 돌아가는 묘기 대행진을 보는 듯했다.

– 어떻게 이런 파격적인 가격으로 미장원을 운영하시나요?
“10여 년 전 바깥양반이 돌아가시고 나서 일을 그만두려고 했는데, 주위의 단골손님들이 ‘한 번만 말아 줘’‘한 번만 말아 줘’하며 계속 파마해 주기를 요구해와 그럼 파마약 값만 주라고 한 것이 실비가 됐어요. 그래서 사람을 두지는 못하고 서로 돕는 실비 미장원이 됐죠.”

올해에 미용사 중앙회에서 받은 ‘사단법인 대한미용사회 중앙회’ 표창장은 한국 최고령 미용사로서 받으신 건가요?
“네, 함께 미용 일을 배운 학원 동기들은 다 벌써 그만두었고, 유명한 국제 미용사 김경애 씨도 전에는 미국에서 가끔 오셔서 미용사 중앙회에서 뵈었는데 요즘에는 통 볼 수가 없네요.”

– 미용 일을 하게 된 동기는 무엇이었나요?
“평안남도 기림리에서 6남매 중 맏딸로 태어났어요. 6·25전쟁 때 피난 내려와, 어려운 살림 꾸려가기 위해 미용 일을 학원에서 배운 것이 큰 복이지요. 그러나 나는 미용 보조 생활을 거치지 않고 바로 미용사로 일하면서 틈틈이 새로운 기술들을 익혀야 했었어요.”

– 자녀들은 몇 명이나 두셨나요?
“위로 딸이 둘이고 막내로 아들을 두었는데, 모두 출가하여 아들만 낳아서 손자가 다섯 돼요. 큰 손자는 미국에서 공부하고, 또 한 손자는 군에 가서 최전방에 근무하며, 막내 손자는 한양대학교 1학년인데 장학생이에요.”

이곳 미용실은 북아현동 토박이 주민들의 경로당 같아서 ◯◯교회의 교인들과 오랜 유대관계로 그들이 농수산물이나 식품류를 싼값으로 갖다 놓으면 손님들이 알아서 다 팔아주었다.

어떤 손님이 찾는 콩이 아직 들어오지 않았다고 말하니까 그럼 돈을 맡겨 놓겠다고 한다. 원장은 돈은 받지 않고 대신에 “주문을 확실히 해 놓을 테니 며칠 후에 다시 오라”고 했다.

실버넷뉴스 박윤자 기자
실버넷뉴스 주현길 기자